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Technology and Infrastructure

To optimally provide the Judicial and Paralegal Collection Management service, the Firm is backed by information technology systems that respond to our current needs, facilitating a better organization, structuring and classification of the information, which increases the possibilities of generating reports briefings and analysis that add value to the service provided.

MAAT system

This system, developed by the Firm, registers data for each of the records assigned by the client, its procedural proceedings and its extrajudicial management. With this tool, the whole portfolio can be monitored. It also allows you to obtain reports and listings of the allocations and the status of the portfolio.

Case Tracking

Virtual program that collects updated information from the Judicial File Consultation (CEJ, in Spanish), sends information online with the changes generated therein, improves coordination between members of a work team, and produces reports of the status of the assigned portfolio.

Alerta Registral (Registry Alert)

Tool that allows us to know the attempts to register new property titles in the registry entries of the property being executed.

Validata Business Intelligence

Information system that allows to know the contact numbers, current information and financial status of debtors.


CRM client management system. Allows to have an indicator of all the regular procedures, plus inbound and outbound calls, voicemail, call attempts, answered calls, unanswered calls, SMS sent, emails, IVR, correlative prints.

Digitization of Records – RICOH Digital Viewer

Through digitization of documents, traditional file management processes are transformed into a modern information system based on technology, automation and communication with the purpose of facilitating the management of files at all stages of the process of collection of a delinquent portfolio. We guarantee the protection and confidentiality of the managed information, reassuring our clients in the provision of the service.


Estudio Rodríguez Angobaldo Consultoría y Recuperaciones S.A.C. features comfortable offices for the personalized attention of our clients. These offices are located in the center of Miraflores.