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Background and History

Estudio Rodríguez Angobaldo Consultoría & Recuperaciones SAC has had important achievements since its creation, organizational growth represented by internal changes aligned to the fulfilment of strategic objectives and business growth through the strengthening of business relations with recognized clients who have entrusted their portfolio for the management of judicial and prejudicial collections.

Business Growth

Nov- 1997

Founding of Estudio Rodriguez Angobaldo (called Abogados Asociados S.A. back in 1997) to provide financial and insurance companies with judicial recovery services.


Start of business relationship with BancoSur.


Start of business relationship with Banco de Lima (BancoSur referral).


Start of business relationship with Banco Nuevo Mundo.


New corporate name: Estudio Rodríguez Angobaldo & Tori Murgueytio S.A.C.


Acquisition of BancoSur, contracts with Banco Santander are upheld.


Incorporation of new service lines: Litigation and arbitration, civil, property, corporate law.


Start of direct business relationship with BCP. Start of business relationship with Banco Financiero. Scotiabank purchases Banco de Lima.


Start of business relationship with Leasing Perú, Banco GNB and SCI, strengthening its status in the management of judicial recovery in major national financial institutions.


Creation of Estudio Rodríguez Angobaldo Consultoría & Recuperaciones S.A.C. and transfer of the recovery unit.


Process Management implementation and creation of specialized Business Units. Strengthening of the growth structure.


Strengthened relationship with BBVA, with a growing participation in the management of their portfolio. Development of information systems for the optimization of business process management.


Implementation of prejudicial collection services for BCP. Previously-developed technological support, which allows for an optimum service maintenance despite the confinement due to COVID-19.


Commercial strategies were implemented in order to focus resources, increase synergies with our main clients (financial institutions) and strengthen our commercial relationships.