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Data Protection and Privacy Policy

The following website address: core-ra.com, belongs to the Law Firm Rodríguez Angobaldo Consultoría & Recuperaciones S.A.C., located at Avenida José Pardo, Nº 223, 13th Floor, Miraflores, Lima, Peru, This is an organization dedicated to the legal advisory for delinquent portfolio recovery, and committed to the security and confidentiality when treating personal data provided by users, according to dispositions contained in Law n°29733, Law to Protect Personal Data and its statutory, modifying and  substitute regulations and other applicable regulations (hereinafter referred as the “Law”)

All data managed within this website correspond to the contact form and the work with us section, where individuals can enter personal data and load the CV in PDF

All information provided to Rodríguez Angobaldo, Consultoría & Recuperaciones S.A.C., will be subject to an automated treatment and will be added to the Firm’s database and the company will be the holder and responsible for it, according to terms and conditions under the Law.

The privacy policy will ensure the user to exercise the following rights: information, access, update, inclusion, rectification, suppression or cancellation, opposition, and consent’s revocation under the terms established by the Law. In any time, the user will have the right to request the exercise all rights conferred by the Law, as well as his/her consent’s revocation  according to dispositions contained in the Law.

Confidentiality when treating personal data is guaranteed, as well as having adopted security levels for personal data protection, installing all means and adopting all available technical, organizing and legal measures that guarantee security and avoid alterations, losses, treatment or not authorized access into personal data.

Nothing contained here will be interpreted as a limitation or reduction of liabilities and obligation of this Law Firm before its clients.

Modification made to Terms and Conditions. Rodríguez Angobaldo Consultoría & Recuperaciones S.A.C., reserves the right to modify the content and scope of this Terms and Conditions at any time and as considered relevant.